Awaken . Align . Actualize.
Surrender to the Truth of Who Your Are
My work is a synthesis of Shamanic, Tantric, Taoist, & Kabbalistic teachings in conjunction with Exercise Physiology & Trauma Informed Somatic Practices. For more than a decade I have been studying the arts of intimacy; the ability to see and know one's true self (in to me I see), as we can only connect to others to the depths in which we have connected with ourselves. I focus on embodiment; Awakening, Aligning and Actualizing the truth of who you really are. With an emphasis on Individuation, I work with multiple medicines including plants, pleasure, animals, movement, breath and sound.
Individuation is the cornerstone of my approach. What is individuation? It's the journey towards wholeness in which we create a balanced relationship between our inner and outer worlds. The process of embodying our true potential, our calling, and our authentic selves. We all sacrifice our authenticity in order to attach, yet it's by surrendering to our differences and celebrating our uniqueness, that we are truly able to become whole and united with others. My approach is not one size fits all, we are each unique, thus the process must be specific to you. I am an Intimacy Guide, trained across more than a dozen different modalities from around the world. Through this work we get to what lies beneath the stories, the expectations, the traumas, we get to the truth of who we are. Because we can only connect to others to the depths in which we've connected to ourselves.
- Available OnlineRead More
Not sure what path is right for you? Let's explore together.
30 min
75 US dollars - Available OnlineRead More
Awaken. Align. Actualize. A 3 part intensive 1on1 program. An immersio...
26 hr
5,500 US dollars - Available OnlineRead More
The process of self-inquiry through which the unaware person becomes a...
1 hr
375 US dollars - Read More
Life is a Ceremony. A Continuous Exploration of Our Wholeness.
1 hr 30 min
From 250 US dollars - Available OnlineRead More
A gateway into wholeness; the remembrance and Awakening to the truth ...
2 hr
From 400 US dollars